Links zum Thema Kickboxen
Links von
Kickbox Verbände, Schulen, News etc.
- Kickboxen in Berlin: Schulen, Vereine und Uni-Sport
- Fotos
- International Sport Karate Association The ISKA is recognized as a governing body for amateur and professional kickboxing.
- World Kickboxing Association - Germany
- WAKO Deutschland e.V.
- Wako - World Association of Kickboxing Organizations
- World Kickboxing Association Kickboxing news and events.
- World Kickboxing League Official site. Includes Kickboxing, full contact, Thai boxing and light contact leagues.
- International Kickboxing Federation A listing of IKF events around the world.
- Kickboxen auf Wikipedia
- Kickboxing News Daily Updated and upcoming events, news and general information.
- Kickboxen TSV Auerbach
- Marvin Perry A Muay Thai and Full Contact Kickboxing Champion. Clips of fight videos.
- AX Message Board Message board for discussions about kickboxing, including American-style full-contact, international/legkick, modified and full Muay Thai rules. Reading is unlimited, but registration (involving manual approval of new members) is required before posting.
- Schools, photos, links, chat, software and related information.
- BMI-Rechner mit Tipps zum Abnehmen (Sport + Ernährung)
- Die Homepage des ehemaligen Kickboxtrainers an der TU-Berlin: Dipl. Kfm. Michael Schröder, Steuerberater.
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